What Is Barakah?

The Barakah Health and Wellness Association based in Seville, was born from a group of people from different Cultural and Philosophical fields who decided to take one step towards the truth, thus revealing a large part of the knowledge that we have been able to acquire over the years, making it available to those people who really want to reconnect with their inner being and remember who we really are in order to continue their spiritual development.

Barakah is a space for all those people who seek personal growth and a greater understanding of our existence.

Our goal is to provide tools and teachings that allow us to achieve a a higher state of consciousness and a more satisfying life.

We are based on the idea that each person is unique and has their own path beyond dogmas and traditions, for this reason we offer a safe and respectful space where members can share their experiences and grow together in community beyond their religion, belief or philosophy.

If you are looking for a place where you can expand your knowledge and consciousness, we invite you to join our association or attend one of our events.

¡Everybody is welcome!

crecimiento espiritual
crecimiento espiritual

What we do

The purpose of our association is to guide and support people on their path of spiritual development, helping to have a deeper understanding of themselves, others and the world around them, stimulating the exploration and growth of spirituality in all its forms, always promoting respect and understanding of all beliefs and religions.

Barakah is dedicated to providing resources and tools that help people achieve greater physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. To do this, it offers a variety of programs and activities designed to support those who wish to develop their virtues as well as learn to communicate correctly and handle all those situations that sometimes become complicated for us because of the way in how we see this life and changing this we give ourselves an opportunity to have a more balanced, healthy life and found our purpose.

Do you feel lost? Can't find your place in life?

Or perhaps you are looking for knowledge beyond what you experience in your daily life?

Barakah strives to create a safe and welcoming environment where members or attendees can share their experiences, ideas and thoughts without fear of judgment or criticism. In short, Barakah's mission is to help its members achieve a more meaningful and fulfilling life through the development of spirituality and the connection with our true being, always at the glory of the Grand Architect Of The Universe.

The Team


Mr.Jorge Luis Planas is a specialist in Astrology and Human Psychology, being our main Professor of the science that studies our behavior through the stars.

As an expert on the human psyche, he is a great spiritual guide and advisor.

Mr.David Castro Paz specializes in different subjects, the most notable being psychotherapy and the science of Alchemy along with its application to medicinal plants (spagyria).

He is also a Facilitator of a series of indigenous rituals from America where he has been studying with the elders of various tribes for more than 12 years.


Contact us to know more about our events and workshops at:

...or fill out the following form, in both cases we will answer you as soon as posible!