What we do
The temazcal or sweat lodge is an ancestral indigenous ceremony from North America that, as its name indicates, takes place inside a small lodge that can be made of clay and stones (Temazcali Mexica) or made of sticks covered with skins or blankets (inipi Lakota) where they are introduced hot stones with the intention of raising up the temperature just as happens in a sauna.
Inside a unique kind of alchemy is created by unifying all the elements into one because the stones, such as the earth element, are heated through the fire element until they reach a point of incandescence, at which time they are introduced into the lodge where while we sing some traditional songs, the water element is poured over them, generating a vapor (air element) that contains the entire essence of life and breathing it we can heal many kind of issues and pathologies, as well as help us elevate our spirit and go deep inside our being.
After the ceremonial heating of the stones in a consecrated fire for about an hour, the ceremony inside the lodge will last approximately an hour and a half and may vary depending on the occasion.
During this time there will be 4 different parts that we call doors, we call them like that because they are the moments in which the door is opened and more incandescent stones are introduced, in the same way each door corresponds to an element and therefore to an aspect that we are working on each one of them. After the last door, the ceremony concludes with a bath or shower of fresh water to close the pores and clean away the sweat and dirt.
Our temazcal ceremonies are a compendium of various forms from different cultures with which we have been able to study over the last 12 years. Thanks to these ceremonial designs we achieve a physical, emotional and energetic cleansing with which to restore order in our body and achieve greater spiritual peace.